Focused On Savings & Debt Elimination
focused on holding you Accountable
Focused on Building an Overall Financial Plan

You will receive strategies to save and reduce debt in 3 months that will last you a lifetime, build a community, start the conversation about money and build a plan that works for you and YOUR family.
We meet bi-monthly (2nd and 4th week)
Classes start May 8 or May 13 (2nd Fri/Wed)
10 spots available per time slot
Focused on Paying Yourself First
Focused on Budgeting & Managing Debt
Focused on Finding Money in Your Business

You will receive guidance on implementing the Profit First methodology to maximize your profits and manage your income. You will need to purchase Profit First by Mike Michalowicz.
We meet bi-monthly (2nd and 4th week)
Classes start May 14
10 spots available per time slot